Monday, December 29, 2014

And Half the Year Later...

I haven't blogged since July- that's almost half the year.

The blog sat.  From time to time it called my name, got added to my to do list, and thought about in my dreams.

Do I care if I blog only for me - or do I blog for others or is this whole experience just a public journal interspersed with a personal pattern catalog?  Do you want to come along for the ride? Do you miss me - or even notice when I'm gone?

Should I stay or should I go.  Does anyone hear my words, like my posts, know my blog thoughts?

Would I be missed, would my patterns be lost on little slips of paper and my crafty ideas waft out of my brain without a mention?

Am I weighed down by my blog or lifted?

I still don't know.

I'm not ready to quit- I don't want to create a set of blog rules for myself, but I am not ready to end my blogging authorship.

Sometimes I write blog posts in my head and they never make it to the keyboard and the world wide web.  Sometimes I forget my own blog even exists in my RSS reading list -because it's never bold anymore, begging me to click on it to see my latest updates.

I read the blogs I follow pretty much every day.  I know the writers, the authors, their families - they don't know me at all.  I visit their lives, see the scenes inside their houses, follow their patterns, create along side them - day in and day out - but they have no idea who I am, that I'm here - that I follow - that I know them.

It's a strange world the blogging world.  Kind of weird and kind of wonderful.

So almost 6 months since my last post - I muse.  Do I stay absent or do I become present.  I don't know.  Maybe blogs are just something I read and write and follow so I can justify the time to drink another cup of coffee...

Fondly, Sher


  1. Well as I unpacked my Christmas decorations I thought of you. The beautiful ornament you sent me when I sent you the hot water bottle . And every time I am sewing I think of you when I put my pins into my pincushion I treasure that you sent.... So, whilst you are musing I am musing too... About you. Good luck in your decision making and have a wonderful 2915 whatever you decide. But thank you for the little bits of you I treasure x

  2. Firstly I hope that your New Year will be wonderful! Best wishes for all good things in 2015 to you and yours! I for one would miss you, because the less bloggers there are, the less good it all is! Even if you post occasionally it is lovely to read what you have to say. That said, I understand that sometimes life and things move on and change and perhaps if it is that time for you, no more blogging is what has to happen. I know that you will make the right decision for you though and wish you all the best! xx
