Thursday, June 12, 2014

Yarndale Mandala

Yes - there has been a 3-month hiatus.
No - it wasn't intentional.
Maybe - I was too busy to even miss posting?
SO.... I'm back and hope to visit this place more frequently.
(rarely did a day go by that even in extreme busy-ness I missed reading my favorite blogs -smile)

Today I bring you my Yarndale Mandala.  There is no pattern.  WHY?  Because I started with three rounds from a book, just to get me going.  And I finished up with rounds I didn't keep track of.  Maybe you love this mandala and will be disappointed that I cannot offer a step-by-step instruction.  Maybe you can take a look closely and figure out my stitches.  If you can -  you are welcome to do it.  Maybe you just take a look and add it to your pinterest board of mandalas since they seem to be ALL OVER crochet cyberworld. (E-size hook, Cotlin and Dishie Yarn by Knit Picks).

Mine is done, ends sewn in, awaiting a bit of glue stiffening and then into the mail to the UK.

What the heck am I talking about?


Can I just offer a brief thank you to the two of you who emailed me to ask where I was and let me know you noticed I hadn't been blogging and missed me.  You know who you are.  You don't know how much it made my day that I was noticed as M.I.A.

I will be filling in some of the holes from the past 3 months of absence.  Ta ta for now -Sher

OMGoodness - my blog header needs to be much less snowy!  It's almost summer here.


  1. I missed your posts and am so glad that you are back. Your mandala looks lovely!!! I will look out for it when I have a look to see that Lucy has received mine! I hope that you got my reply to your comment a little while ago? Hope that all has been well and I look forward to reading more from you. xx

  2. Amy thank you. I did get your comment - it made me feel good to think I was missed :) Sher
