Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Paper Rose Frames, Snow Soup & Lilyhammer

Crafty Update:

I'm not the only one in the family who makes stuff!  For Christmas, my daughter made three frames for me. Her card said, "Crafty Frames for you Crafty Room."  I knew right away I wanted photos of all four of my kids in these frames.  So a few days ago, I designed some 5X7 photos using my Panstoria Artisan software.

I uploaded the photos to Walmart (because I wanted them fast!!!) and an hour later, picked them up.  Interestingly, I ordered 5X7 flat full photo cards because they cost 68cents each and included an envelope whereas a 5X7 photo (same paper, same finish) cost $1.49 each minus the envelopes.

Here are the 3 photos I designed for the frames:

Here are the frames my daughter made by rolling and twisting fabric (the green roses) and newspaper into paper roses (maybe a pinterest find)?

AND... my son gets into the design action too.  He works for a company that designs and sells apparel and other items using the Maryland state flag.  He designed these earrings.  I got the prototype as a gift from him.  Aren't they cute?

I figure heart earrings and rose flowers are both great craft projects for February aka LOVE MONTH!

And by the way - "It's Always sunny SNOWY in Philadelphia!"  Here's what we got yesterday to the tune of another 6+ inches of very heavy snow and another day of NO SCHOOL for the kiddos!  Fun.  Hubby worked from home and I of course spent time shoveling.

The snow was so heavy that the bushes started leaning towards the sidewalk!

When I came inside from all the snow clearing work, I had a bowl of this MOST delicious soup I made: potato, cannelloni beans and kale.  Super yum.  If you want to know how I made it just ask.  I never use recipes but I think I can remember how!

And - if you are snowed in where you live, or even just looking for something to watch on the tele while you crochet... check out THIS series.  I found it on my netflix instant streaming account.  I've watched the whole first season and I'm on to the second.  Pretty funny.  I was feeling right at home watching the Norway snow.

 ta ta for today - Sher


  1. The frames from your daughter and earrings from your son are beautiful, they are both as talented as their Mom - must be where they get it from! Boy you have had a lot of snow there! It seems to be never ending for North America this year in the snow department. I hope that some sunshine comes your way soon. xx

  2. We love Lilyhammer, on our second time watching the series, haha. We are actually going there this Spring and are so excited.

    Your family is so cute. Great photos!

  3. Astri - how exciting. I can't wait to hear all about your trip! If you're stopping in at the Flamingo - be careful! :)
