Saturday, January 11, 2014

Running in the Fog and the "Lucy Chair."

The January mini-session of my running group began today.  It was supposed to begin last Saturday but if you've been reading my recent weather posts, you'll understand why it began a week late!

I don't particularly like to run, nor am I very good at it but I'm consistent and at the end of most every run, I'm happy that I'm doing it.  Yes, the end of the run, as in when I can go home and drink coffee and crochet!

hot day in August - Runstrong Running Group
I love my running group - the gals are awesome, my coach is fabulous.  I would be hard pressed not to participate.  I've been with the group for about 4 years - I'm typically the slowest in the group and if not the slowest, very near the back of the pack.  At times this has been frustrating, at times I really don't care.

Cold day in the fall - Runstrong Running Group
I took off the month of December.  I think I ran the first week a few times, but after that I bombed out - there were too many holiday things to do - the weather wasn't cooperative and I just plain needed a break.  I ran a 10K on the Ben Franklin bridge and around Camden, NJ.  The Ben Franklin bridge crosses the river between Philadelphia and New Jersey.  Races make me a nervous wreck and tho. most of the girls in my group LOVE to race, I do not.  I did however both survive and somewhat like the bridge run.

After the Ben Franklin Bridge Run - Runstrong Running Group
In the fall session of 2013 there were 42 girls in my running group!  Crazy - yes.  It's so funny to see the stares we get on Saturdays when we all cross a highway together and the cars wonder what the heck is happening with 42 women running across the street.  The group also does RNOs (Runner Nights Out) about once per month.  In December we had a holiday dinner and book swap.

When we go out, we don't recognize each other cuz we are usually in pony tails and running clothes!
We run 2 times per week as a group and 1-2 times a week on our own.  We run together at 7:30am on Saturdays (puts a curtail on any Friday night drinks) and there are two group sessions on Tuesdays.  On Tuesdays, the full time working gals run at 5:30am.  I run at the less insane hour of 9am.  I run on my own on Thursdays and I participate in two hour long strength and fitness classes where 2-4 of us are trained for an hour by my running coach in her basement.  I'm much better at the strength classes than the running.  Once February comes, I have decided to add one afternoon elliptical session on Wednesdays to my working out routine.

So this morning, at 7am I got a group text message from my coach - "WEAR REFLECTIVE GEAR."  It was so foggy when I left the house that I could barely see 10 feet in front of me in my car.  Fortunately, it was very warm - 47F.  Yes, two days ago it was a high of 21F and one of the pipes leading to our den heat system is apparently still frozen.  Fortunately, I own a bright yellow reflective vest - from Ikea.  Fortunately I remembered where I put it after I bought it a year ago!  Today it was necessary.

There are about 20 women in the January mini-session running group.  Most of us trudged out through the fog to attend this morning's run.  I was in the 3.25mile group (about 5K).  Rarely do I run less than 5K.  I managed to run the whole time without stopping and didn't feel too bad.  My pace was as usual slow, but not as slow as I expected after a month without running - thank goodness for that.  By the second half of my run it had started to rain - not quite pour but almost.  I don't mind running in the rain, I wore a baseball cap to keep the rain off my face and by then I was pretty warm.

So that's my running in the fog story.  I know, it was a long story.  And it has nothing to do with crafts or crochet.  So let's move on to the Lucy chair.

I was inspired by this photo from Lucy at the Attic24 blog.  


I showed the photo to my husband and told him I wanted to look for a second hand wicker chair for my sewing/craft room (aka my oldest daughters bedroom that has been transformed since she doesn't live here anymore).  A few months ago, we found one. It was EXACTLY what I wanted and I talked the man down from $60US to $40US.  The chair was white and the paint was fading in places.  I told my husband I wanted to paint it blue.  Why he asked?  Because I want it blue - that's the only color I want.  Into the shed went the chair to wait until the weather cooperated with outdoor spraypainting.  Bye chair - see you in the spring.

BUT... lo and behold.  On Christmas day there was a giant present wrapped in a bed sheet sitting near the tree and a sign was on it saying "The Lucy."  I will have to hunt to see if I took a photo.  My hubby had found a warm day opportunity to paint, unbeknownst to me and found the perfect shade of blue and the chair was ready on Christmas day -  I LOVE THIS CHAIR.

It now sits in my sewing room and regardless of the fact that I have not yet made a cushion or a pillow or a blanket to cozy it up - it is wonderful and comfy, and it sits by a window and a radiator so it's bright and warm and cozy.

I have been sitting in this chair and designing a new little bunting for Valentines Day that has been in my head for over a year.  I plan to share the pattern with you when it's done.  Here's a sneak peek.

Did you make any New Year's resolutions that included new eating or exercise or crafting plans and goals?  Share them with me, I'd love to hear.

Cheers, Sher

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