Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Crazy Weather - Welcome to 2014!

I'm guessing that 2014 is shaping up to be an interesting winter weather season.

We started with a big snow (8-10").  I spent the morning shoveling and then went in for a bite to eat.  Hubby and I decided to pull out our snow shoes (gifts to one another from Christmas 2012)! and go for a hike.

There have been a lot of improved hiking trails in our little township this year and we thought they'd be perfect for a bit of snow shoeing.

On Friday we went to the Karakung Trails near the historic Nitre Hall and Lawrence Cabin.  It was very cold but we stayed warm in our many layers.

It was a great day out in the snow.  Wanna see day 2 of snowshoeing and hear how crazy the weather got?  Stay tuned!  Sher

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