Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 - a Month by Month Event Photojournal

As I mentioned back in THIS POST, I have decided not to do a Photo A Day (Day2Day) album for 2013.  I did one for 2012 and although the pages are in process, and I look forward to making the rest, I want to do an album that focuses more on WHAT and HOW I take photos rather than just that I NEED to take a photo every day.

I'm sure some folks are able to satisfy both of those actions together, but for me, I needed something a bit different for 2013 - at least to give something new a try.

Here's what I've come up with:

1.  Two double page spreads per month.
2.  No rules about how many photos end up on the two spreads.
3.  A photo focus (actually two) per month.
4.  Photos that I LOVE.  Photos that fill me with pleasure to look at.
5.  Learn new photo techniques and better command over my camera.

Here are the photo focuses for each month:

JAN: Fresh AND New
FEB: LOVE and Color
MAR: WINTER WEATHER and Around the House
MAY: Planting/Growing/Flowers
JUNE: SPRING and Outdoors
JULY: Food/Drink/Fun
AUGUST: Beach and Summer
SEPTEMBER:  School Stuff and Around town
OCTOBER:   Fall/Halloween
NOVEMBER:  Thankful and Home
DECEMBER: Lights and Traditions

For instance.  In January, I will concentrate on photos of things that TO ME say Fresh... like a fresh start or fresh fruit or fresh flowers or fresh out of the oven etc... and I will also explore things that mean New... like a new pair of socks, a new hobby, a new class, and new craft or home project.

With each photo will come an explanation about why those photos speak that theme to me or what inspired me to take the photo or why I particularly love it or how I stretched myself photographically by taking that picture.

You are welcome to join along with me in my M2M-Photo Themes journey.  You can use the themes I listed above OR you can select themes that work best for you.  If you do decide to join me in this, you can start now - it doesn't matter that it's Jan 9th - you have another 20 days or so to pick some themes and take some photos that describe them.  You are also welcome to post updates about your M2M-Photo Themes progress on my facebook page here.

Happy Focused-snapping!  Sher

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