Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Dip with Ginger Snaps

My newest downline consultant, Vicky, brought this PRIZE WINNING dip to Croptoberfest.  I say prize winning because I had a food contest at both the Friday and Saturday events of my Croptoberfest weekend.  The prize was determined by all the samplers at the event voting for their favorite dish on the table and Vicky's pumpkin dip with ginger snaps won that spot on Friday night.

Photo of dip was cropped from entire table scene so photo is underwhelming!
Vicky was kind enough to email me her recipe so that I could share it.

1-15oz can of pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix, just pumpkin)
1-16oz container of softenend cream cheese
2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1t ground cinnamon
1t ground ginger (dry spice)

Beat cream cheese and pumpkin until smooth (she used a mixer).  Fold in dry ingredients.  Cover, refrigerate. 

WOW! How easy is that.  It appears that it would keep well in the fridge.

Other suggestions for how to serve it are: with fruit, on bagels or english muffins, or with graham crackers (cinnamon or plain)

NOTE:  Sally, who doesn't like Ginger snaps tried the dip with all manner of other items on the table and deemed it delicious on the pumpkin bread - how appropriate!

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