With all the rain we had this year I figured my garden would produce a bumper crop - but then, it didn't. The squash bugs ate through the cucumbers AND the zuchini - irritating little buggars kill my vines every year!!! The tomatos, eggplants and bell peppers had a lot of little green things that the squirrels seemed to enjoy a single bite of. Nothing seemed to be rippening. UGH. I've been gardening for years and I do love to eat things right out of my own soil, but really, I just wing it when it comes to real veggie garden knowledge.
However, even the dried up leaves and knarly vines keep producing stuff - so I gather and I cook!
Here's the collection from a few weeks back (turned into an awesome vegetarian shepherd's pie):
Then, another loot haul from yesterday...
Next year - I'm not giving up, but I'm going to try some new things... onions, garlic, asparagus - maybe the squirrels won't like those things - they do tend to leave my yummy jalapeno peppers alone!
That bowl of veggies is beautiful! We just picked what is probably the last tomatoes from our garden. We had a frost last night, and after this weekend, will be getting more. But we put up over 65 jars of salsa, so I guess we did pretty well! Yay!