Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cutest Little Ritas!

I swear this is NOT a blog about drinking.  But when I was buying some wine last week I couldn't resist how cute these little personal sized margarita bottles were.  I had to try a 4-pack to see if the taste was as yummy as the bottles were quaint.

Needless to say, the 4-pack is now GONE and the drinks were yummy.  I like to KNOW there is tequila in my margarita and I don't like it too sweet.  These bottles were just a hint shy on the strong side but the sweetness factor was perfect.

My preferred way to drink a margarita - traditional style, on ice with salt.  Just rim your margarita glass with lime, ring the lip with salt, add some chopped ice and pour on a bottle. One bottle fit my glass almost perfectly.  Bottoms up!

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