Friday, May 13, 2011

Two More Bouquets - hand made of course

So a few weeks ago I made a hand held prom bouquet for my Junior son's prom date.  It was a success so I decided to do it again.

I struggled this time to find the flowers I wanted.  AND one dress is royal blue and the other is emerald green, a bit harder to coordinate in the flower department.

I picked up the final flowers this morning and set to work. 

Bouquet #1

And Bouquet #2

Both my HS Senior and my HS Junior are attending the senior prom tonight - whew.  I think that's the extent of flower arranging this season.

Final total, $35 for flowers and supplies for both.


  1. The bouquets you made were beautiful!

    And I did not know you knitted.

    sherry f-g (a neighbor)

  2. Hi Sherry - so fun to find a neighbor who came across my blog. Glad to know I have an expert knitter right down the street!
