Friday, May 20, 2011

Fourth and Final Bouquet of the Prom Season

Well, it's been a good run, learning the bouquet technique, but frankly, I never aspired to be a floral arranger and I'm feeling kind of done with this season's flower bouquets.
This last one is for my graduating senior.  He is accompanying a senior from another high school - whom he has never met - to her prom...a friend of a friend kind of a deal.  But, he still needs to present her with a bouquet.  He showed me a photo of her lovely dress, blue and white, flowy and chiffon, very wafty and fairly like.  I decided to go with blue and white.  I had hoped my own hydrangeas would be ready to snip and include in the bouquet but they haven't started blooming yet.

So, off I went to Trader Joe's and came home with African white roses (sweetheart size), white freesia and blue and white hydrangea blooms.

Here they are before I began assembling.

Since I splurged on the hydrangeas, my flower total was $17.  More than the other bouquets I had made.  But still substantially less than the $50 at the florist.  I already had the stem tape and a I used a 10 cent roll of white bias tape to wrap and pin the handle of the bouquet.

The hardest thing I find is criss crossing the stems correctly so that they remain straight and not bent at the top underside of the bouquet.  This is important so as not to damage the stems and I'm not so good at this part.  Maybe there is some sort of grab and turn floral tool that allows for better bouquet making, but I'm not that advanced.

The final result was lovely and I think it will accompany the dress just fine.  This time, I won't see the girl with the bouquet and I can only hope that my son will hand someone my spare camera when he poses with his mystery date.

The bouquet is now getting some rest in a vase of water in the basement fridge.  I gave it a little mist of fresh water to help it recover from all the twisting and turning I did during the making.

Happy Flower Crafting! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Felted Birdhouse #3

When I first took the Felted Birdhouse workshop taught online by Betz White, I designed 4 birdhouses.  About a month ago I had finished 2 birdhouses and one bird.  Originally, I had designed and cut out 4 houses.  This week, with kids home sick from school, I decided to hang out with them and get another birdhouse completed.  I had to take some time from my digital scrapbook project - ongoing to get it done before my son's June HS graduation - to work on this birdhouse, but I really wanted to get it done.

Yesterday, I completed most of it, but today I stuffed it and attached the roof, getting it all stitched together just now. 

Here are the photos.

Just 1 more house and 3 more birds and I've finished all that I started - enjoy!  And Happy Crafting.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Two More Bouquets - hand made of course

So a few weeks ago I made a hand held prom bouquet for my Junior son's prom date.  It was a success so I decided to do it again.

I struggled this time to find the flowers I wanted.  AND one dress is royal blue and the other is emerald green, a bit harder to coordinate in the flower department.

I picked up the final flowers this morning and set to work. 

Bouquet #1

And Bouquet #2

Both my HS Senior and my HS Junior are attending the senior prom tonight - whew.  I think that's the extent of flower arranging this season.

Final total, $35 for flowers and supplies for both.

Monday, May 9, 2011