Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog Blast! Bird Rewards

So, yesterday I went for a run.  I stopped running due to plantar fasciitis problems back in November.  I just started up again about 4 weeks ago.  I used to run 3 - 4 times per week, only about 3 miles.  Now, I'm limiting myself to two to save my foot.

Well, after 4 months OFF, every running step I KNOW I took too much time off.  My foot is okay so far, but my cardiovascular abilities are not what they were.

I'm not a good runner or even a fast one, but I was (and hope to be again) pretty dedicated.  I'm also a fairly new runner having started participating in a running group in January 2010.  That said, 3 miles in 33 mins about killed me where I was at least at a 10 min mile before I took a break.

So, every day that I run, I tell myself that when I'm done I can do a craft.  Yesterday I rewarded myself with TWO crafts.  One, was to make the felted bird for one of the birdhouses I made a few weeks back.  I re-watched the training video from Betz White (the birdhouse and bird were part of an online workshop I signed up for with Betz and it was wonderful).  I made the bird to match the birdhouse.  I think I was better at making the birdhouse than the bird.  But here is the finished product.

And here are a few more bird closeups...

Running Reward Craft #2 coming up... stay posted!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! And Sherrie ... you were good at making BOTH of them!
